Category cosplay

Blizzcon 2013 Recap

I apologize for the lateness of this recap but I sadly picked up the dreaded Con Plague and have been down for the count the last several days since returning home. Wow. Literally, WoW. What a crazy couple of days…. Continue Reading →

Happy Halloween, and Dia De Los Muertos

First attempt Cheshire cat

“Reality” Shows

I get the whole beef with Heroes Of Cosplay and the how “reality shows”edit to make certain people look better or worse to increase drama and ratings. But my issue with the finale was that lumping all out of towners together… Continue Reading →

An Interview with Canadian Geek Girls

I posted this article over on but wanted to posted it here as well. *** I am a Canadian Geek Girl and I am always looking for inspiring geeks to connect with and hear stories from. And I decided… Continue Reading →

bryanthenerd: Cosplay of the Week The week’s cosplayer hails from San Antonio Texas and even though she is relatively new to… View Post <3 Harley

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