Category geeks

New Year’s Resolution (/plans)

I know it’s a little early, but I have been thinking about my New Year’s Resolution already. Well, more like my plans. I plan to start my podcast. I am working on the details and will have a plan in… Continue Reading →

New TINGS! #5

Link: New TINGS! #5 Check out my wig while I talk about nerd rage

Nothing to Prove

Link: Nothing to Prove Nothing to Prove. No Fake Geeks.

Geek/Nerd Music

Are you a geeky or nerdy musician? Do you make geek or nerd music? I wanna do some interviews, so get in touch. On here or by email

Got my custom Little Geek Lost hoodie and tee! Yay! Might put them up for sale in a store online.

Self promotion

Shameless self promo. Like me on fb follow me on twitter and follow my blog at

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