When you wanna talk movies and music, you gotta do it with FEAR from FYFC Studios. We discuss 90s movie soundtracks. Find him and all things FYFC at fyfcstudios.com And follow me on Twitter @cyannide and Instagram @cyannide99
Remember making mixed tapes/cds in the 90s? Well FEARCast J and I do. And we talk about our picks for a great 90s mix. Find FEARCastJ on Twitter @fearcastj and at fyfcstudios.com Follow me on Twitter @cyannide and on Instagram… Continue Reading →
I’m kicking off a series of 90s music episodes with one album I love fully, Pinkerton by Weezer. This was my go to album in highschool for a few years. So I discuss my thoughts on it. Find me on… Continue Reading →