Tag horror

Littlegeeklost Pod # 112 – Horror Icons

FEAR from fyfcstudios.com joins me to discuss our fave topic, horror movies! Specifically horror movie icons. Check out Terror In The Bay Film Festival at terrorinthebay.com Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @cherrycyannide

Littlegeeklost Pod # 111 – Summer Horror Update

Time for a little summer horror update. Check out Terror In The Bay Film Festival at terrorinthebay.com Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @cherrycyannide

Lifelong Horror Fan

February is Women in Horror Month, and I thought I would join in by telling my horror story. My life as a lifelong horror fan. When I was growing up, my best friend Catherine and I would rent movies a… Continue Reading →

Littlegeeklost Pod #102 – Final Destination Series

More Summer Of Horror mini marathon fun! This time I watched the Final Destination series. Worked out well since there are 5 movies. Major spoilers for them if you haven’t watched them yet. Listen to find out my thoughts. Also,… Continue Reading →

Littlegeeklost Pod #101 – House Horror

Summer of horror starts now! I am doing mini horror movie marathons. This one was on House horror movies. Have a listen to find out what I watched and my thoughts. Also, I am a sponsor of a local horror… Continue Reading →

Terror In The Bay Film Festival

My town, Thunder Bay Ontario, is having it’s second annual Terror In The Bay Film Festival this year in October and I am proud to be a sponsor!   I went last year, and watched a few indie horror movies,… Continue Reading →

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