If you know me, and I would hope you do by now, you know I LOVE Freddy Krueger. BUT, Jason Voorhees is a close second in my horror movie slasher heart. So I wanted to do an EPIC Freddy VS Jason post to celebrate the Friday the 13th in October.
Check out the companion podcast episode at https://www.littlegeeklost.com/pods/littlegeeklost-pod-86-freddy-vs-jason/
And enjoy these Freddy and Jason pics.
Awesome drawing done for me by Paul Gori https://www.facebook.com/Gorisart/
My recent collection of Freddy and Jason collectibles.
Freddy BOB vs Jason BOB. Check out http://bobeatspod.com for more BOB (Box Office Beats)
Freddy Krueger makeup
Jason Voorhees makeup
Slasher tee design available at http://teamfetch4life.com
Slasher tee design available at http://teamfetch4life.com
Slasher tee design available at http://teamfetch4life.com
Slasher tee design available at http://teamfetch4life.com