Stacy Cox – StaceMeister0 is an Independent Author and an aspiring Filmmaker. She been writing for over 10 years, starting with poetry. Shortly after, she started writing stories and novels. She then transitioned to writing screenplays. She has written and published several books, and she is publishing frequently.
She is a big advocate for Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Mystery, Crime, and Thriller, and the extreme, the strange and the bizarre.

What inspired you to start writing?
I started writing (poetry) when I was in high school (9th grade). At that time it was a way to manage my anger. Moving forward, what inspired to stories, novellas, and novels were strained, toxic relationships. Today, knowing there is a whole community of writers who are successful, encouraging and welcoming is what drives my passion to continue on.
How often do you write? Just when you’re inspired?
I write just about everyday. I try to leave my off days for put the writing aside and relax and enjoy my off days.
How does your process work? Do you come up with an idea and then start writing? Or do you plan it out?
I am a freestyle writer. I come up with general ideas and concepts and the story basically shapes itself. Most of my works are not planned.
What challenges do you face when writing?
The challenges I face are story detail development. I envision a movie when I write and I write as such. I am more of a to-the-point writer, so I struggle with full detailing in the story development. As a result, my books turn up a little short.
Any advice for budding writers?
My advice to budding writers is to always follow your dreams. There are a lot of aspiring writers that are paranoid of getting their works out there because they don’t find it “perfect”. Nothing will be perfect in the eye of the public. What matters first and foremost is if it’s perfect for YOU. Don’t linger in the shadows. Get out there and be heard.
Find Stacy’s works at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/StacyCoxStaceMeister0
Check out https://www.womeninhorrormonth.com/ Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries. Whether they are on the screen, behind the scenes, or contributing in their other various artistic ways, it is clear that women love, appreciate, and contribute to the horror genre.