I know it’s a little early, but I have been thinking about my New Year’s Resolution already. Well, more like my plans. I plan to start my podcast. I am working on the details and will have a plan in… Continue Reading →
OMG. I have been so swamped since getting back from Blizzcon. I had the con plague to get over, then a ton of stuff at work has been bogging me down, and now it’s the holidays. AHHH! I gotta get… Continue Reading →
I apologize for the lateness of this recap but I sadly picked up the dreaded Con Plague and have been down for the count the last several days since returning home. Wow. Literally, WoW. What a crazy couple of days…. Continue Reading →
Did an interview for a podcast about my geek book. http://www.apaladinstale.com/?p=701 You can listen view the link on the right hand side of the page.
Last ditch effort to earn some extra $$ for Blizzcon. Anyone want quick/easy graphic/logo/web work?
Check out my geek book Murloc Soup For The Geek Soul. It’s a book with geek stories to inspire geeks to be themselves. For sale at http://www.lulu.com/ca/en/shop/mandy-osipenko/murloc-soup-for-the-geek-soul/paperback/product-21001816.html And also on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1300814241