I thought it might be fun to do a photo blog of a day in my life.

1 All dressed and ready to get the day started
2 Loving my Luigi car. It’s crazy fun to drive
3 Doggie doesn’t want me to leave him. He’s great at making sad dog eyes
4 A little 90s alt rock to start the day.
5 This is the view from the staff parking lot of the hospital. That’s the walk I do. You’d think staff would have closer parking.
6 Hospital basement hallway outside the IT area.
7 The back area, where stuff is stored and computers are built.
8 Waiting for my co-worker/office sharer to come in. We don’t get permanent desks due to rotation, so I have nothing cool on mine.
9 Coffee and water, how I drink my day away.
10 Printers, the bane of my existence at work. If they’re not jamming, they’re not printing for unknown reasons.
11 Strawberry greek yogurt and granola mix. Mid morning breakfast in between support calls.
12 Bored when there is no work to do.
13 Not bad for cafeteria food. Usually a pretty good selection and for decent prices. This ran me about $8 total.
14 Cafeteria ceiling. All natural light and tons of windows.
15 The lobby has fish in the floor!
16 View from my car at the end of the work day.
17 Mmmm groceries.
18 The “fancy” grocer store by my house lol.
19 We also have an awesome dollar store, and some ridiculous “discount” store (that has higher prices than Wal-Mart).
20 Took doggie for a walk in the park by our house.
21 After work, getting my WoW on.
22 Doggie enjoys a bone while relaxing on the couch.
23 Planning out our dinner entertainment.
24 Forgot to take a pic with the chicken in there, but it was Mexican chicken casserole (chicken breasts, macaroni, salsa, peppers, onions, and corn).
25 Night night time (we really need a headboard, apparently we claw the walls in out sleep).