I have been a little distracted lately by some side projects, namely my book project Murloc Soup For The Geek Soul.


There is the Indiegogo link. You can donate to the campaign (and snag an advance copy of the book and some promo materials, as well as a Thank You in the book itself), or you can find out a bit more info and maybe submit a story for use in it. Submissions accepted until October 31 2012.

Some Friday Faves for you? Well, ok. Here goes.

Fave 3 B Movies I Found on Netflix.

1) Rubber (OMG this movie is great. It’s about a tire, making his way in the world and not letting people stand in his way. Not gonna give away all the greatness, so you will have to check it out)

2) Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver (This movie, you may think it’s just another ordinary cheesy horror movie, but OMG wait for the surprise at the end! Words cannot express how epic it was, you have to see it with your own eyes!)

3) Aaahh! Zombies!! (I am sure I have posted about it before, but it deserves more promotion. Such a great and different zombie movie).