Category Nerd

Self promotion

Shameless self promo. Like me on fb follow me on twitter and follow my blog at

Fun times

Sometimes I like doing this for the hell of it, my # is 807-621-5927, hit me up with a text if ya want šŸ˜‰

I enjoy being a nerd!

So this happened. I made up my own lyrics to ā€œI enjoy being a girlā€ but now itā€™s ā€œI enjoy being a nerdā€. I did them super quick and spontaneous, so forgive me if they arenā€™t perfect lol I adore… Continue Reading →

No Time! There’s never any time!

A lot of the time I feel like Jessie Spano (minus the caffeine crazy, because I know how to handle my caffeine). It feels like there is no time. I have so many ideas and projects I wanna do, and… Continue Reading →

Look in a book!

Itā€™s been awhile (a LONG while) since I posted. But I have been busy. My book is now published and up for sale online! Itā€™s on Lulu, which is the main source for it, here for the paperback copy and… Continue Reading →

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