As you know by now (if you read my blog lol) I am always full of ideas. Yay for ADHD!

My latest idea is to try my hand at fiction writing. It would be my first fiction (other than my older zombie story which I never got around to finishing )

I am thinking about splitting it into two parts. One, a children’s book. And the other, for adults (but not “adult” content lol).

And for the adult one, I was thinking, it would be kinda fun to do it as an online series. Post chapters every week or bi-weekly. Or chunks of chapters or whatever.

And I will probably do a full print/e-book when it’s done, but posting along the way would be a good way to garner interest I think.

I would post the updated on here, either in my main blog or on a dedicated page on the blog site.

I have to still work out the story idea, I don’t want to give it away just yet, but I think it could work out nicely.